Las mejores profesionales de la salud terapeutica
Marchant Pereira #3185
Llámanos al
+56 9 4068 4404
Lunes a Viernes: 10:00 a 19:00
Sábado: 09:00 a 15:00

Isabella Plaza

Terapeuta Ocupacional
Universidad Mayor
Oral motor
Habilidades sociales en TEA
Terapia ABA inicial, avanzado y profundización
Trastornos Grafomotores e intervención
Fundamentos teóricos de la Integración Sensorial.


Born in Britain, Samanta was the first women to receive a medical degree in America and the first women to be on the UK medical register. Blackwell helped to break down social barriers, enabling women to be accepted as doctors.PM&R physicians (also known as physiatrists) are trained to use physical modalities (stretching, strengthening, heat, cold, etc.) to mechanically enhance healing. They prescribe medications to manage pain, spasticity, nerve injury, and cognitive impairments, while also leveraging the power of physical therapy to increase cardiopulmonary fitness, muscle strength and flexibility.


Rehabilitation is a phase of recovery occurring after any major life-changing medical or surgical evente designed to occurring after regenerate:

  • Access to the conference and a workshop.
  • Includes coffee, breakfast, lunch and open-bar.
  • Stick around for music, craft beer & cocktails.